Verified Volunteers
Verified Volunteer info
Important: This is not about questioning our character, it is about all of us receiving training so we can identify potential problems and become better leaders. There is no cost to you. This whole project will take you over an hour to complete however you can stop and continue as you have time.
- On computer search for Adventist Screening Verification.
- Click on this then Scroll down to first time registrant or existing – select appropriate. If existing, enter info and proceed. If new then select this option.
- It will then take you to Sterling volunteer’s website. Scroll down to area, choose Washington – enter- then Upper Columbia conference. Then which church (Milton) then what areas you will be working in.
- Have you registered before yes/no click appropriate
- If no then you must create and identity. Suggest first and last name lowercase – no spaces – (example deraldrhaney)
- Create a password (note, write it down you will need it again in 3 years to access your account to renew.) you will likely be sent a reminder when time.
- After that is complete you will be asked to provide 4 character witnesses or references. Preferably 1 pastor, friends, people who know you well, not family.
- After that is done you will be directed to watch a 30 minute training video. There is lots of important info. I suggest that you rewatch it as needed.
- Go to continue with Quiz 25 questions. You will pass the quiz! It will stay with you till you get it.
- After passing, follow prompts and agree to background check. You will not be approved for service without it. (no cost to you) Read and check boxes that explain what will be and not be checked. Provide Name and SS# . Note: This is a very secure site and info should be safe but if not comfortable providing SS# you can check not available and it may go through.
- More notes: sometimes program may go blank or restart, if so just click on your name, should have a green check mark by it and it will put you back where you left off. Thanks for your time in doing this and your willingness to serve your Milton church family.
Questions?? Derald Haney 541-861-1451 call or text
Milton SDA Verified Volunteer Administrator